The Doctor of Destroy

Dr. Naomi Hakase

General Shit

"Really? What bullshit is this? What do they need to know my business for?!"

The Glaston Series

An ongoing project


Original BEAM KATANA Creations

The Doctor's Armory

Misc. Weapons and other rare BEAM KATANA


"Always in style."

Birth Name: Naomi Hakase

Alias || Nicknames: NAOMI, Doc, Doctor, Dr. Hakase, Tette, Dr. Boobie Lady, Titties, Miss Naomi

Age: 70 [ Looks late 20s to early 30s ]

Nationality: Japanese-American

Hair color: Natural black, dark brown in light

Eye color: Burnt orange/yellow [ Darkens to black on occasions ]

Height: 5'7" [ Without heels ] 5'9" [ With heels ]

Weight: Don't ask a lady something so personal!

Birthplace: Santa Destroy, California

Current Residence: Santa Destroy, California

Occupation: Engineer || Mad Scientist || Weapons Specialist at NAOMI's Lab

Hobbies: Creating giant robots, improving existing BEAM KATANA models, making high-tech household appliances, blowing shit up

Naomi is a woman of average height and build with long dark hair, lightly tanned skin, and noticeably large bosoms that have a tendency to bounce exaggeratedly with just about every movement. Though she carries the title "Dr.", Naomi doesn't act or dress like one. Her common attire usually consists of a black full sleeved fitted corset top with a low curved yellow accented collar that does little to cover most of her chest. The garment is held together with a yellow ribbon tied just under her bust. As for the hips down, she sports black lined yellow short shorts and a pair of opaque black thigh high nylons. Her footwear varies between her work, the usual selection being an expensive looking pair of black lace up stilettos. From time to time, she can also be seen in a plain white lab coat. Her hair is thick and disheveled, often styled up into a ponytail with teased bangs pulled back to keep from getting in her eyes while she works.

When working on her machines, the pricey heels and lab coat are replaced with heavy gray industrial engineer boots, matching engineer's chaps, large engineer's gloves, and a pair of black goggles with orange tinted lenses.

Personality wise, Naomi can be a number of things. To some, she's a level headed scientist with a solution to just about everything. To others, she's a sarcastic somewhat bitchy genius with the patience of a short fuse dynamite. Her overall attitude can come off as a bit rude due to her bluntness and indifferent mannerisms. She also seems to carry a moderate distaste in anyone being an otaku and is not afraid to let them know. There have also been occasions where Naomi is shown to have a tendency to abuse her authority over her customers. The most notable being Travis Touchdown, who has been suckered into working for her countless times.

Marital Status: Unknown

Father: Oda Hakase

Mother: Cynthia Hakase

Sister (Elder): Candace Hakase

Sister (Younger): Nishi Hakase

Glaston is a red-colored land battle mech taken from Travis' favorite anime series "Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly" where it is piloted by the heroine, Strawberry. Glaston's signature attack is referred to as "Strawberry on the Shortcake."

This mech is one of Naomi's least favorite creations for many reasons. Currently, it's undergoing some much needed upgrades.

Another mecha taken from the anime series "Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly". It is a dark-colored aerial battle Glaston piloted by the second heroine, Blueberry. Glaston Mk-II's signature attack is referred to as "Blueberry Cheesecake Brownie."

After a few upgrades and a bit of experimentation, Glaston Mk-II has become something like a sentient being. Though it cannot talk, it responds through what sounds like groaning. It can also move freely as it pleases... Naomi is still debating whether or not this was a good idea.

The last mech taken from the anime series "Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly". It is a white-colored aerial battle Glaston piloted by the last heroine, Cranberry. Glaston Mk-III's signature attack is referred to as "Cranberry Chocolate Sundae."

Naomi's absolute favorite creation in terms of mechs. This one is her precious metal child as well as the Glaston she is usually seen flying around in. Out of all of the Glaston models, the Glaston Mk-III has had the most upgrades.

Glastonbury is a large space battle Glaston where it is the result of all Glaston models combining together. It is capable of emitting laser attacks, and alternatively, tri-laser attacks. Glastonbury's signature attack is referred to as "Anarchy in the Galaxy" and is able to vaporize anything in sight. Its design appears to have taken inspiration from the classic super robot anime Beast King GoLion [ or Voltron ], in which the giant robot also carries a similar-looking sword-like weapon.

This model has yet to be seen. Since its creation involves pointing to the sky and yelling "Glastonbury, let's punk!", there's a high chance that Naomi will never let anyone see Glastonbury. Ever.

The first model, the Tsubaki prototype, looks similar to a lightsaber and provides moderate durability. The Tsubaki and its successors are each marked with a certain number of red rings corresponding to their model number.

The Tsubaki Mk-II is much more complete than its predecessor, but is still referred to on occasion as "a prototype." Naomi designs the Mk-II based on the US Military Secret plans that Travis obtains after his Ranking Battle against Holly Summers. Debatably the most distinguished model of the Tsubaki line, the retractable frame now contains five emitters and receivers which rotate simultaneously. The Tsubaki Mk-II is also one of the most powerful beam katanas ever produced, superior in strength even to its successor, the Tsubaki Mk-III. The blade color of the first marks of the Tsubaki series are both blue.

The Tsubaki Mk-III is the completed Tsubaki beam katana model. Its design is based on that of the D.O.S., the beam katana used by Travis Touchdown's mentor Thunder Ryu, acquired by Touchdown following his master's death. Unlike its predecessors, the Mk-III does not feature a retractable frame and is one of the earliest recognized beam katanas in the series to emit properly without a receiver. An elaborate design of the kanji used to represent "Tiger" (tora) is used as the cross-guard of the Mk-III's hilt. While not as powerful as the Tsubaki Mk-II, the finished model is the only standard beam katana that, with the proper motherboard attachment, operates at maximum energy efficiency and does not ever have to be recharged. While slightly weaker than the MK-II, the MK-III is much quicker, capable of causing Death Blows sooner, and has enough range to decapitate a entire large group of enemies in close range of the wielder. However, thanks to Travis' stupidity, the Tsubaki Mk-III was left with critical components damaged, later being downgraded and rechristened "Camellia Mk-III,". While it retains its agility and combo potential, the Death Blow range and stopping power of the Camellia Mk-III are second to the Blood Berry. Still a work in progress.

The Peony is the longest beam katana created by Naomi, bar the Horse Saber or the dragon form of Ryuji's beam naginata. Like the Tsubaki Mk-II, it must be held with two hands. Its blade expands and contracts based on its user's ki, which in practice means the Peony's blade extends as the wielder's adrenaline rises, and contracts as his or her health decreases. Also in contrast to the Tsubaki Mk-II, what the Peony lacks in speed, it compromises for sheer strength, highest stopping power and crowd control. The Peony's blade color is a deep red, being based off of the Blaze variety of Chinese peony.

The Blood Berry is a primitive beam katana model that Travis Touchdown won through an online auction. When activated, it emits a blue beam as the frame of the Blood Berry is extracted along with the blade, and the receiver is headed by a blade attachment in the form of a pointed spike. The Blood Berry is one beam katana that cannot function properly without a receiver, and so this blade attachment allows the beam katana to penetrate matter it normally cannot by having a standard, dull receiver.

The Orange II is a retractable, cleaver-esque beam katana model designed by Orange Computer and wielded by ranked 10 assassin, Death Metal. The brute design of the beam katana is enough to cause devastating force, let alone the emitted beam which runs along its entire blade. Though its name implies there may be a prototype design (similar to the Tsubaki series), the Orange II is the only recognized model of the Orange series in the series.

The Cross Sword is a beam katana model constructed by Russian technician Wolf Vann and wielded by Travis' brother, Henry Cooldown. When activated, four small beams are emitted from the beam katana's minimal cross-guard. While similar to the Tsubaki series, the Cross Sword does not feature a retractable frame and is one of very few beam katanas to emit properly without a receiver, another being the Tsubaki Mk-III. The blade color is purple. Its upgraded version is the Vosmir.

The D.O.S. is a beam katana constructed by an infamous Japanese hitman, and one of the more dangerous models to use. The blade of the D.O.S. activates the instant its hilt is removed from its scabbard, and the beam katana features no off switch in its design. This makes the process of refitting the blade into the scabbard extremely difficult, as well as unsafe. The D.O.S. bears a resemblance to a shirasaya, a plain Japanese blade mount. The blade color is yellow. It was wielded by Travis' mentor, Thunder Ryu, before his death.

The Horse Saber is an abstract beam katana which largely remains a mystery, not only because of its use by ranked 1 assassin, Dark Star, whose identity is completely unknown. Also because of its unique nature as a beam katana like few others. Like the D.O.S., the blade of the Horse Saber is activated when the hilt is removed from its "scabbard,". Using the wire and needled attachment on the grip of the hilt, its enormous, dragon-shaped energy wave is emitted. Unlike standard beam katanas which feature stationary blade projection, the blade of the Horse Saber waves in motions that imply it may contain a certain degree of artificial intelligence. Exactly how it is deactivated, however, is not certain.

The Rose Nasty are a pair of beam katanas originally granted to Travis Touchdown by his friend, Bishop Shidux, after his death. The Rose Nasty are receiverless beam katanas with curved, red blades and differing hilts with handguards. The off-hand beam katana has a slightly shorter blade than its counterpart making the set similar to traditional daisho. Both blades are swung, allowing versatility and a good damage radius. While the Rose Nasty is slightly faster than the Tsubaki Mk-III, it lacks its stopping power. Naomi does not actually use this model to fight, but for research purposes to create WORLD'S END II.

Ranked 50 assassin, Skelter Helter, used a large beam katana with three parallel blades. Despite its size, the weapon is capable of lightning-swift strikes. This was given to Naomi by Travis himself after Skelter's defeat.

The Schpeltiger is a specialized motorbike used by Travis Touchdown and has a platinum-white body and red pinstripe markings. The Schpeltiger is equipped with rear twin disk brakes, specially tuned suspension, a long spin arm, and 30-inch tires. It also has four mufflers which extend from the bike's left and right sides. Later on, Travis is given the revamped Schpeltiger II, which is twice as long as its predecessor. The original model is kept in Naomi's Lab, where it is linked to a laptop. The reason for the second version to be made was due to the fact the original was nearly destroyed in the Forest of Bewilderment en route to Travis fighting the ranked 1 assassin.

Though Schpeltiger isn't hers, Naomi repairs it and does regular maintenance on it... Which in her eyes makes it hers.